Kent Counselling and Psychotherapy Service


10 week Programme

The programme is run by Ivy Payne who has worked within the NHS helping people manage anger issues. She will help individuals to understand their anger and how best to control the feelings of losing control.
She will look at how anger can impact on relationships.

Anger Management

The programme is educational and structured. It is meant to empower the individual, allowing him or her to understand and deal with her or his anger.
The concept of self monitoring is introduced as a necessary part of the programme. It incorporates three components of anger...cognitive, physical and behavioural.

The programme will help identify triggers, unhelpful thoughts, assumptions that maintain anger.

It will look at the bodily changes such as increased heart beating, muscle tension, red face.

The behavioural part of the programme helps the individual to learn to communicate anger in a more effective way, rather than using aggression.

How to identify the problem objectively using solving techniques or consider possible responses.
It will help to do anger in a different way.

Fee £300 for 10 weeks.

Call 01622 754853 or email

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